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Director Message

An institute cannot buy its spirit as it buys textbooks, nor can it have this spirit supplied as basic equipment. An institute’s spirit is built up within the institute itself. Institute of International Excellence a friendly, vibrant and highly motivated community enjoys the reputation of being one of the most respected and admired coeducational welfare organization.

Renowned for exclusivity and ability to educate a person as a whole – “head, heart and soul”- we understand that the education of our “would–be” teachers is not only a responsibility but a privilege.

The academic curriculum is the core around which life at IIE is built. In today’s world, education is the most important and powerful acquisition for those who want to have a fulfilling and successful future. Good education provides the necessary knowledge, skills and values that allow a person to be both a high – income earner as well as being an understanding and compassionate human being.

Our programs support and promote the values of openness and tolerance. The diversity of our offering enhances our ability to recognize the multiple talents that our students possess.

Most importantly, we recognize that a great institute is not just about grades, it’s about creativity, it’s about engagement in a broad curricular offering, it’s about friendship, it’s about young men and women living and working together in harmony, it’s about fun, it’s about embracing new opportunity, it’s about developing open and enquiring and nurturing the character and courage to make a valuable contribution in a changing world. IIE is an institute that understands that ‘what matters most’ in achieving these outcomes is quality teaching, supported by the development of good future teachers.

IIE is committed to develop, nurture and build the very best teachers.

I trust that this website will provide you with a sense of the dynamic and caring environment that exists at our Institute and that you will visit us to experience for yourself the energy and enthusiasm that makes IIE so special.

Mr. R.K. Upadhyay
IIE, Meerut.